Friday 3 June 2011

The First 3 Days

Sorry for the delay in updating everyone! Exhaustion combined with numerous hurdles along the way, it's been eventful, to say the least!
Day 1
Vancouver-Canada to Goldstream Campsite- Vancouver Island- 89.72 miles
The day got off to an early start suffering with jet lag. We planned to take the the ferry to Vancouver Island. The boys cycled. With one puncture for Tristan, a few wrong turns and added milage riding alongside a motorway, they arrived at the port 1 by 1 with very few minutes to spare! A soft-hearted Canadian lady helped us get the boys aboard the boat in the nick of time FREE of charge!
We split from the boys leaving them to roam 65 miles of flat motorway running along the east coast of the Island. Peter battled on with blocked sinuses and a sore throat, whilst Chris and Rhian went steaming ahead! Tristan quickly learnt that sleep deprivation and alcohol on top of jet lag are not condusive to a care free 90 mile bike ride. Determined Dominic endevoured to support the support group.
We on the otherhand, tired and getting used to driving on the right, set off to get supplies. This task proved harder than it should have been. It's a long story but in our jet lagged state, 4 supermarkets later, we had mostly everything we needed.
We arrived at the campsite at the same time as the exhausted boys! Goldstream campsite was situated in a beautiful woodland area , we managed to charm the pants off the Ranger and stay for half price!! After a hearty pasta meal cooked by us we retired to bed, only for some cheeky thieving racoon to come in the night and eat the following days lunch.

Day 2.
Victoria- Vancouver Island to Quilcene WA. 68.3 Miles
Another pilarva at the ferry port as we try to cross the border. The boys planned to catch the early ferry. Three hours later we arrive the boys are still there. Turns out the whole of America are trying to return after a "memorial" weekend. The ferries were all booked out. Mr Jobsworth aka US Customs Officer took a dislike to our disorganised arrival and apparently forbidden cargo. Who would have thought a bag of oranges and a bit of fire wood would cause such a problem!! Forseeing that we would be 8 hours behind the boys we attempted to cook a meal on the side of the road! Only to be called to the car before finishing the job! The boys left for the boat with no agreed meeting point, no contact numbers, food or money. Dominic went under interigation for boarding the boat. In his sleep depreived state, his answers were not quite on the point. Mimicking a scene from a Shakespear play we shouted to Chris and Rhian as the large ferry set sail as we were denyed boarding, thereafter we were known to the security as the "rejects".
Needing to make up for lost time the hungry boys push on whilst we wait in Canada. Peter's main worry was eating a COLD meal!! It didn't matter to him that he had sailed too fAST down hill, fallen off his bike and crashed into some railings, (almost launching himself into a freezing cold mountain river) much to the others amsument he struggled to prise his bike free!
6 hours later we arrive in the USA with the food and everyones belongings. It was dark, we got lost and 2 hours later we found the boys. They had found the most secluded, eerie campsite ever known to mankind. We had the feeling they werent telling us everything.
Down a dark dark lane on an oyster farm we set up camp and got heads down praying that everyone would be alive in the morning!
Day 3.
Quilcene Oyster Farm- Lake Sylvia State Park WA-90 miles
Amazingly everyone was alive, however couldn't wait to pack up and leave! Dom's knee was very sore, after a massage from Tristan and Em, it felt better. The boys set off.
It rained and it rained and it rained for the first 57 miles, they got drenched! Not a great day for Dom he got puncture number 2. With 30 miles to go Dom's knee finally gave up. He came to support to support team.
During the ride Peter consumed all of his food supplies and looked to Tristan for something, the only thing he had was a peanut butter and jam sandwich covered in rice and brocolli. Peter was appalled, after a grimaced look and a disappointed smile, he ate it. Despite refuelling, on the final mile Peter got a puncture and had to picked up in the car.
We quickly learnt that the only way to win Chris' attention at this point in time (constantly planning the next step) is to use key words. This includes items of interest
"look, otter!" "food" "fire" etc....
With car full of food we fought off the hungry and very brave chipmonks whilst unloading the tents.
It was an early night for all, Rhian was left writing his diary by light of lantern.
Update to follow soon!

1 comment:

  1. Well I now need to wage war on bloggspot for losing my original comment... bastards. This is a friend of Dom's, his dad and my dad are mates. Anywho, I'm here in SF, but I have lots of friends on the west coast who could offer support along the way.. Seattle, Olympia, Portland, and Ashland. I'm also hoping to throw you guys a party or maybe a fundraiser in SF if it makes sense and you're all into the idea. If someone has time to call or email then I can start planning something.

    Well done on getting across the boarder, it can be quite a bitch these days. Watch out for Big Foot and geoducks (gooeey-duck) up there in WA ;o)

    My email is or call my mobile at +1 310 415 3102

    Cheers and good riding!
