Tuesday 7 June 2011

Next update from the boys!

Sorry once again for the delayed update. Dictated from the boys......

Day 4.

Lake Sylvia State Park to Cape Disappointment State Park- 82.35 miles
3474ft climb. Saddle time 5 hour 45.
We had lined up our SPD's on the bench the night before, sadly to find them soaked through this morning...generally everything is wet. We decided to put our feet in dog poo bags before setting off!
Tristan got 3 punctures. Peter got one puncture. The day went well, the weather finally got better enabling us to dry our gear on the back of our bikes.
Fate was on our side today. Dom, suffering with a painful knee, decided it was time to seek a professional opinion! He was fearing the worst and prepared to claim on his health insurance! However It just so happened that Dom and the servants stumbled upon the only clinic in Oregon that provided pro-bonos and had a specialist in sports injury. After a lengthly consultation and a load of free goodies, they were very grateful and all the wiser for the anatomy lesson!
Cape disappointment did not live up to its name, it was absolutely beautiful with high cliffs and silver drift wood scattered across the sandy windswept beach. Our campsite was set back behind the wild grass, nestled between the trees. Finally we share our first sunset on the beach!
We had to contend with the wildlife. Later that evening we learnt that the campsite was home to an army of overweight, greedy, hairy and vicious racoons, who made off with a dozen eggs right under our nose!
Chris would like to apologise to Sophie and Ollie for not meeting up in Vancouver, we arrived at midnight and left by 9am for the start of the ride.

Day 5.

Cape Disappointment to Cape Lookout- 94.06 miles (430 miles in total).
7.5 hours in the saddle. 4170ft climb.
We were in for a treat this morning as Pete did his best rendition of R kelly's "bump and grind" (actions included). We were highly amused! Lifting the spirits for ANOTHER day in the saddle.
It was a late start from Washington state. The roads were really bad with debris scattered along the path, it made for awful cycling conditions. The ride was tough, there was a 4.7 mile long bridge and it climbed up to 200ft. The cycle path was less than a metre wide, there were artic lorries zooming past on one side and a 200ft drop on the other. On entering into Oregon there were many beautiful villages to see, however the quality of road remained poor. we were introduced to tunnels which had been explained by other cyclists to be dangerous, whereby we had to push a button to indicate to other road users that we were passing through, at this point we were told to peddle as hard as possible to get to the other side safely. Having crossed the long bridge previously that day, this proved to be a piece of cake.

Day 6 .

Cape Lookout State Park to Jessie M State Park- 122.33 miles.
Apprehensive about the day ahead we knew it would be make or break with 120 miles to go. Luckily fate was on our side we had a strong tail wind, marble like road services and bags of energy. Peter took the lead showing the boys he had some power in the those chiseled legs of his.
We were surrounded with amazing scenery. The coastal road was incredible, sea stacks covered with wildlife and the pacific continuously catching our eye with its sheer size and beauty. We had a meeting point, where we met the servants, it just so happened we had the opportunity to eat lunch whilst watching the whales swim in the sea.
Peter got stuck ten miles out with another puncture and no pump. Again, the American hospitality came to the rescue "god bless America". Peter would like to to thank the couple again for their help. "Go beavers"!
We ended the day watching the sunset over the sand dunes.

Day 7

Jessie M State Park to Bullards Beach State Park- 66.6 miles
We started the day with Dom at the Helm.
The weather was warm, the coast line was covered by dunes, we didnt get a glimpse the ocean all day. The task of riding the miles became daunting.
Later that day back at camp we were swarmed by mozys, they were a freaking nightmare!! They had a very good feed, taking a particular liking Tristan's bum! (and sneakly got through Em's leggings leaving little untouched)
To escape the mozys we head off to the beach and watched the most amazing sunset yet.

Day 8.

Bullards Beach State Park to Harris Beach State Park- 87.94 miles
Rhian and Chris raced ahead and continue to hold the 100% no puncture record. They stopped for lunch and 2 kind elderly Canadians whipped them up a cup of earl grey to help them along the way. Only to arrive back and find Lucie passed out from sheer exhaustion with flu like symptoms that appear to be spreading around the group. Leaving them only 1 servant!
During which time, Pete and Tristan (without a cup of earl grey and sweet hearted Canadians)had two punctures and no pump! They continued to battle on with sheer determination and made it to camp for 5pm.
Chris and Rhian met up with Dom at the top of Cape Sebastian after conquering a 18% gradient acsent!! Not an easy feat we are hasent to add!!
After eating yet another great meal we all head down to the beach to climb sea stacks and chat to the locals about our great adventure. Our blue jumpers and wooly hats coupled with the locals intregue is the best bit of publicity we could ever have.

Day 9 .

Harris Beach - Patricks Point State Park-86.21 miles
We crossed the border to California.
It was a very tough day and the task of riding a bike ALL day and EVERY day is becoming wearing, both physically and mentally. All support is welcome!! We need encouragement!!
Dom got back on the bike again today. His determination not to disappoint those who have sponsored him is truly inspiring. He is a true warrior!!
Today we hit the redwoods, Tris and Pete rode through a tree whilst Chris and Rhian hugged a tree.
DAMP DAMP DAMP!! Nothing has been dry for days, the campsite is spooky but not a scratch on the oyster farm. The showers are straight off a horror film set!
The servants cooked our most favourite meal yet! Even RHIAN didnt have any suggestions for improvement.
The racoons strike again. This time they take a cheeky little midnight feast of marshmallows!! Not even a thank you!! Can you believe it!?!

Now the halfway point has arrived, in a moment of reflection, we appreciate that this challenge is tougher than what we had imagined. Although this is a personal challenge and an incredible life experience, it has been done to aid and support two worthy charities that are close to our hearts. Please help us, and help them and donate online.

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